Archived News
December 27 & 30, 2019: Huazhen visited colleagues at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beihang University and North China Electric Power Univeristy and gave talks about battery management!
December 12-13, 2019: Huazhen attended the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control in Nice, France!
November 9, 2019: The paper "Battery state-of-charge estimation based on the nonlinear double-capacitor model and extended Kalman filter" will be forthcoming at the 2020 IEEE Green Technologies Conference. Congratulations to Mason and Ning!
October 16 and 18, 2019: Huazhen visited colleagues at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Texas at Arlington and gave seminar talks!
October 10, 2019: Huazhen attended the ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference at Park City, Utah!
September 27, 2019: Huazhen visited colleagues at the Electrical & Systems Engineering Department of the Washington University in St. Louis and gave a seminar on battery management!
August 20, 2019: Thomas Woodruff joined the lab as an M.Sc. student researcher. Welcome!
August 17, 2019: The Summer 2019 issue of ASME DSCD Newsletter was released!
July 19, 2019: Chuan's paper "Observer-based leader-follower tracking control for high-order multi-agent systems with limited measurement information" will be forthcoming at the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control. Congratulations, Chuan!
July 10-12, 2019: Chuan, Ning and Huazhen attended American Control Conference in Philadelphia. Chuan and Ning presented their papers, "Distributed leader-follower tracking control for multi-agent systems subject to disturbances" (journal version, Systems & Control Letters, 2019) and "Parameter identification of the nonlinear double-capacitor model for lithium-Ion batteries: From the Wiener perspective" (journal version). Congratulations!
June 12-14, 2019: Huazhen attended the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics!
June 6, 2019: Huazhen visited colleagues at UC Davis and gave a seminar talk!
June 6, 2019: Huazhen received the Miller Scholar Award from the School of Engineering of KU!
May 20, 2019: Chuan passed the PhD comprehensive exam. Congratulations!
May 8, 2019: Ning passed the PhD comprehensive exam. Congratulations!
April 27-28, 2019: The lab attended the 8th Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory!
April 19, 2019: Huazhen visited colleagues at the University of Tulsa and gave a talk about battery management at the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar!
April 19, 2019: Our NSF CAREER project was covered by KU News!
April 11, 2019: Ning received the University of Kansas Tradition of Excellence Award. Congratulations, Ning!
April 8, 2019: Huazhen will serve as an Associate Editor for Information Sciences!
March 28, 2019: Huazhen visited colleagues at Purdue University and gave a colloquium talk about distributed cooperative autonomy!
March 10, 2019: Ning will start to serve as the Student Liaison for ASME Energy Systems Technical Committee. Congratulations, Ning!
February 21-22, 2019: Ning attended the BERC Energy Summit and presented his recent work on Li-ion battery modeling!
February 11, 2019: Huazhen received the NSF CAREER Award. Thanks to NSF for sponsoring the research, every lab member for their hard work, and many colleagues for their persistent support!
February 2, 2019: The paper "Observer-based distributed leader-follower tracking control: A new perspective and results" will be forthcoming in International Journal of Control. Congratulations, Chuan!
January 27, 2019: Two papers will be forthcoming at the American Control Conference to be held in July: "Parameter identification of the nonlinear double-capacitor model for Lithium-ion batteries: From the Wiener perspective" and "Distributed leader-follower tracking control for multi-agent systems subject to disturbances". Congratulations, Ning and Chuan!
January 22, 2019: The patent "System and method for battery charging" was issued as US Patent No. 10,186,890!
January 5, 2019: Huazhen visited the Southern University of Science and Technology, China, and gave a seminar talk!
December 26, 2018: Huazhen was quoted in an IEEE Spectrum article about a new battery safety technology, which will appear in the January issue of IEEE Spectrum!
December 25-28, 2018: Huazhen visited colleagues at Zhejiang University, Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei University of Technology and Huazhong University of Science and Technology!
December 17-19, 2018: Huazhen attended the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision & Control and presented the paper "Robustifying the Kalman filter against measurement outliers: An innovation saturation mechanism"!
December 6, 2018: Ning and Chuan successfully passed the PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations!
November 14, 2018: Huazhen will serve as Associate Editor for ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Division Newsletter and Section Editor for BMC Energy!
November 6, 2018: Mason received the ISSL Seminar Best Presentation Award. Congratulations, Mason!
October 21-23, 2018: Ning and Huazhen attended the 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'18). Ning successfully presented the paper "A new nonlinear double-capacitor model for rechargeable batteries". Congratulations, Ning!
October 15, 2018: Huazhen visited colleagues at Pennsylvania State University and gave a seminar talk about distributed battery management!
October 2, 2018: Ning received the ISSL Seminar Best Presentation Award. Congratulations, Ning!
September 25, 2018: Our patent "System and method for battery charging" was approved!
August 20, 2018: Huazhen was recognized as one of the two Reviewers of the Year 2017 by ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control!
July 29, 2018: A paper first-authored by Chuan, "Energy-aware leader-follower tracking control for electric-powered multi-agent systems", will be forthcoming in Control Engineering Practice. Congratulations, Chuan!
July 21, 2018: Huazhen was appointed as a member of IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board!
July 9 and 16, 2018: ISSL hosted two outreach sessions for over 30 middle and high school students attending KU's Summer Engineering Camp!
July 13, 2018: The paper “Robustifying the Kalman filter against measurement outliers: An innovation saturation mechanism” will be forthcoming at the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control!
June 27-29, 2018: All the members of ISSL attended American Control Conference held at Milwaukee. It was a wonderful experience of seeing and learning! At the conference Chuan successfully presented his two papers, "Leader-follower tracking control for multi-agent systems based on input observer design" and "Battery-aware time/range-extended leader-follower tracking for a multi-agent system". Congratulations, Chuan!
June 24, 2018: Day 1 of the ISSL website. Every day is Day 1 as we enter into the future!